Online Learning

Pursuant to Education Code Section 49066.5 (2)(b): The parent, guardian, or education rights holder of a pupil or, for a pupil 18 years of age or older, the pupil who was enrolled in high school and enrolled in a course during the 2022–23 school year may apply to the pupil’s local educational agency to have a letter grade earned for that course, as reflected on the pupil’s transcript, changed to a Pass or No Pass grade. A list of colleges willing to accept these pass/fail marks can be found here.
The parent/guardian or adult student MUST inform the registrar by August 15th in order to request Pass/No Pass grades in lieu of letter grades for the 2022-23 school year. Changes will require an additional DocuSign signature to finalize the request. Grade changes will be processed by August 31st. Students/parents may request updated transcripts after that date by email to
De conformidad con la Sección 49066.5 (2) (b) del Código de Educación: El padre, tutor o titular de los derechos educativos de un alumno o, para un alumno de 18 años de edad o mayor, el alumno que estaba inscrito en la escuela secundaria y en un curso durante el año escolar 2022-23 puede solicitar a la agencia educativa local del alumno que se le cambie una calificación con letra para ese curso, según se refleja en registro de calificaciones del alumno, a una calificación de Aprobado o No Aprobado. Se puede encontrar una lista de universidades dispuestas a aceptar estas calificaciones de aprobado / reprobado. aquí.
Los padres o los estudiantes adultos DEBEN enviar esta solicitud antes del 15 de agosto para solicitar calificaciones de aprobado / no aprobado en lugar de calificaciones con letras para el año escolar 2022/23. Para una versión de la solicitud en español por favor llame a la oficina de la escuela (619) 371-5017. Los cambios requieren una firma por DocuSign para finalizar la solicitud. Los cambios se procesarán antes del 31 de agosto y los estudiantes / padres pueden solicitar registros de claificaciones actualizados después de esa fecha via
Quality Online Content
Pathways Academy Charter School Adult Education utilizes Edgenuity curriculum to deliver quality online content with highly qualified teachers. Students can access their courses 24/7, working at their own pace to finish their high school diploma. Students will receive weekly outreach from their teacher and have access to teachers Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm, via phone, email, text message, or video chat.
Each student will receive a personalized learning plan from their School Counselor with the courses left to meet graduation requirements. Students also get college and career counseling to help them towards their postsecondary goals.
This program is highly flexible, focusing on mastery based instruction. Students take an online exam at the beginning of all core courses. Previous knowledge will result in a decrease in assigned course work, allowing students to complete courses faster by demonstrating mastery of California content standards. This means that students focus on coursework that they struggle with and bypass assignments for which the student has shown content mastery.
Students who prefer to work online, watch video instruction, and learn well independently choose this option.
CA Residents ONLY